Ace of Base-Life is a flower

Questa canzone l'ascolto spesso mentre viaggio, mi piace molto sia per la musica che per il testo
We live in a free world
I whistle down the wind
Carry on smiling
And the world will smile with you
Life is a flower
So precious in your hand
Carry on smiling
And the world will smile with you

When every race is run
And the day is closing in
I don't care about the world
I'm living for the light
Don't cry for me today' ah ah ah

We live in a free world
I whistle down the wind

I can not be your judge
Mr. Jailer is your host
He's keeping you inside
And hides you from the world
No catcher in the rye
Can help you from yourself

We live in a free world
I whistle down the wind

Please Mr. Agony
Release them for a while
earn them the consequences of
Living without life

We live in a free world



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